Budo inJBA
Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu, founded in the Sengoku (Warring States) period by its founder, Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto Shigenobu, is an ancient iai-do school that has become the origin of modern iai-do.
Shinkage-ryu Hyoho is a school of swordsmanship founded by the founder, Kamiizumi Isenokami Nobutsuna (Hidetsuna), during the Sengoku (Warring States) period and perfected by Yagyu Sekisyusai Muneyoshi. We also study Seigo-ryu Battou-jutsu and Shinkage-ryu Jo-jutsu.
Nippon Kempo is a comprehensive martial arts centered on the striking techniques of koryu (oid school) ju-jutsu and including throwing and joint-locking techniques. It was founded in 1932 by Sawayama Muneomi, the founder of Nippon Kempo.
Shoto kan-ryu Karate-do is a school of karate founded by Funakoshi Gichin, who came from Okinawa to the mainland in the Taisho era (1912-1926) and worked to popularize karate.
kumiuchi-jutsu (Armor grappling) is a martial arts in which an armored warrior defeats an enemy in close combat. Jozan-ryu was systematized by Kunio Ishiguro , a master who explored and mastered various styles of armor kumiuchi-jutsu.
Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karate-do is one of the three main karate styles of modern Okinawa Karate, and is a school founded by Chihana Asanobu, a disciple of Itosu Yasutsune, who inherited and preserved the Shuri-te style.
Ryukyu Kobudo is a secretive martial arts that has been passed down from generation to generation and is a double-edged martial arts with Okinawa karate.